Tuesday, May 11, 2010

36 week post

I found this on a pregnancy forum site and thought it would suit well for my 36 week post. 

About You
Name?: Rebecca
Height?: 5'9"
Pre-pregnancy weight? around 165  
About The Father
Name?: Dominick
Age?: 41
Height? 5'11"
Are you still together?: yep
About Your Pregnancy
Is this your first pregnancy?: nope, 7th. 3rd full term
Was it planned?: no
What was your first reaction?: you've got to be kidding me
Who was with you when you found out? no one
Who was the first person you told? : my mom
How far along are you? 36 w 5d
What was your first symptom?: missing my period
What is your due date?: June 10th
Do you know the sex of the baby?: yep
If so, what is it?: it's a boy!
Have you picked out names?: yes.
If so, what are they? Owen Zechariah
How much weight have you gained?: no one really knows for sure. The scales at my doctor's office are known for never being accurate.
Do you have stretch marks?: yep, but they are pre-existing. No new ones yet
Have you felt the baby move?: yep
Have you heard the heartbeat?: yep...amazing!
About the birth
Will you keep the baby?  This is sort of an awkward question to ask....
Home or hospital birth?: hospital
Natural or medicated birth?: medicated..I'm a wimp lol
Who will be in the delivery room with you? my SO and my mom
Will you breastfeed?: I'm going to try
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: doubtful, unless there is an emergency
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: I don't know. I did with my first, but not with my second...we'll have to wait and see!!
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: whether or not he looks like his brother or sister
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: No one needs to see that....seriously.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: excited!! Anxious!! Nervous to see how different it will be compared to my first two since we're in a whole new state with a new doctor and a new hospital, but I'm sure it will be fine.

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