Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bayfield Angel Food

If you have never heard of Angel Food Ministries, it's about time someone tells you. Angel Food Ministries is a company that provides bulk foods in non-bulk quantity for bulk prices. Did you catch that??

And to make it even better, ANYONE can participate in this, you don't have to be on welfare, or have a certain income to qualify. You don't have to make a minimum order, or order every month. You get as much or as little, as often or as infrequently as you want.

Order from your local host site at the beginning of the month and pick-up at the end of the month.

Here is the link to their website Angel Food Ministires, there is also a link on the sidebar for quick reference. You can locate your local host site, view the monthly menu, place an order and get other information.

The prices are amazing, I'm telling you, and the food quality is amazing. Check it out and take advantage of it, seriously. A friend and I are heading it up here in Bayfield, so if you're reading this and you live in La Plata County, contact me and we'll get you set up, other wise, contact your host site.

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